The Last Week Before Spring.

It’s mid March and the week before the first days of Spring arrive for 2024. It has been wet, grey and a little uninspiring but as always there has been plenty to do on the homestead. Firstly, we celebrated Mother’s Day once I returned from a work trip. I was kindly gifted from the family three large terracotta planters for the walled garden which it’d been searching high and low for since moving here. The perfect accent to the rose beds which will come into their own next Spring when they are densely planted with bulbs and put on a show.

For the most part, i’ve been breaking my back over the driveway cobbles at the front of the house. They’ve been in need of desperate attention since we bought the property but until now been lower down on the list of priorities. But as we work towards finishing the front with plans for a hardwood front door and the renovation of the potting yard, the time has come. It has so far taken me two days, around 12 hours, to do half. So there’s another week yet of bent back getting it finished, then we’ll get the wet sand in to suppress any future weeds. It’ll need yearly maintenance to keep on top of any weeds creeping back, but it should eventually ease off and mostly self sustain.

I managed to source three sliding sash windows second hand we collected earlier in the week that’ll be handed over to Boland & Rayson to install into the workshop they’re building us this Spring once the potting yard has been hard landscaped.

Today it’s Friday and i’ve returned to flowers for a delivery in the morning which is a welcome break from it all.

Have a wonderful weekend x